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Kodas GŽR- 2021: Vilnius - Lietuvos ir pasaulio miestas

Badge of Vilnius city explorer/ Vilniaus miesto tyrinėtojo ženkliukas

The owner of the badge had the opportunity to move to Vilnius Old Town, learned about city's architecture, history, festivities, as well as communicated live with the aerobically taxing and rubbish-collecting activity "Plogging" ambassador, who promotes a healthy lifestyle and environmental protection.
Ženkliuko savininkas turėjo galimybę nusikelti į Vilniaus senamiestį, sužinoti apie istorinį miestą, taip pat gyvai pabendrauti su Švedijoje kilusios iniciatyvos “Plogging” ambasadore, skatinančia suderinti sveiką gyvenimo būdą ir gamtosaugą.

Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Po susitikimo gavote antrą individualią užduotį. Įkelkite sukurtą turstinio #KodasGZR2021 autobuso po Vilnių atvirutę.
After meeting you have got second individual task. Please, attach a post card you created with #KodasGZR2021 bus in Vilnius
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Kodas GZR - 2021 Youth Leadership Program
Kodas GŽR- 2021: Vilnius - Lietuvos ir pasaulio miestas
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union