You have to get 2 badges from the list below
This meta-level badge is awarded to VILNIUS TECH SA member who was responsible for coordinating the activities of VILNIUS TECH SA or its units in the faculties. He/she also took decisions improving the effectiveness of the organisation as well as its public relations image. Through these activities, you have grown as a leader and, together with your team, contributed to the smooth performance of the organisation. These are qualities that are valued not only in student union but also in the job market. Competences acquired:
- Leadership
- Communication
- Collaboration and teamwork
- Time management
- Ethics and social responsibility
- Critical thinking and problem-solving
- Internalisation and intercultural skills
- Initiative and accountability
- Entrepreneurship and economic literacy
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
To receive the badge, the student must meet one of the following criteria:
• Be a true member of the student representation, continuing their activities within the representation for at least 1 year
• Be elected as the SR F chairman, vice-chairman, president, vice-president, or one of the leaders of the central office committee