You have to get 2 badges from the list below
The badge is awarded to an individual who served as a member of the university's study quality assurance bodies (SPK, USK, Senate). It recognizes the recipient's efforts to improve the study environment and ensure the quality of higher education studies by representing and voicing student opinions. The recipient possesses the following competencies:
• Critical thinking and problem-solving
• Communication
• Collaboration and teamwork
• Ethics and social responsibility
• Analytical thinking
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
To receive the badge, the student must meet one of the following criteria:
• Be a true member of the student representation, continuing their activities within the representation for at least 1 year
• Be elected as a member of SPK (Study Program Committee), USK (University Studies Committee), or Senate, and hold the corresponding badge
• Provide a motivated description of their activities and accomplishments.