2392items found
Virtual reality project opens young people’s eyes to European democracy
With European Parliament elections just around the corner, one Cities of Learning network member in Greece has been usin...
Awero: dedicated to lifelong learning and recognition
## Awer-what? You have been used to seeing and using our digital solutions, including Cities of Learning, Badgecraft and...
View your earned BadgesA **Badge** is a digital micro-credential that represents learning, skill or achievement. On the Cities of Learning plat...
Italų kalbos III užsėmimasSiūlome laisvu laiku susipažinti su Italų kalba ir kultūra, bei išmokti kelis Itališkus žodžius.
Šiame užsiėmime susipa...
Italų kalbos VII užsiėmimasSmagu, kad dalyvausite šiame užsiėmime.
Šiame užsiėmime išmoksite keletą frazių ir žodžių kaip nusipirkti ką nors...
welCCCCome**I participated in foCCCCus youth exchange in 2022 July 18-28 in Lithuania, Daugirdiskes**
We find out that being cre...