2386items found
Piešinių parodaKlubo ugdytinių piešiniai eksponuojami Šeškinės poliklinikoje
MRYS competence modelMidland Regional Youth Service Ltd.’s (MRYS) Competency Framework, incorporates all roles and responsibilities, across a...
Comfort ZoneThis badge is earned by getting out of comfort zone during Focus project. How do you react when there is random stuff go...
Share your artTell us about your experience during performance task. What you felt, what difficulties were. Add some interesting pictu...
foCCCCus**Focus Youth exchange 2022**
We find out that being creative often means looking at the same
problem from a differ...
Learners motivated to build digital skills in Rotterdam
“They are very excited and proud that they got a badge. They see it like they graduated from school or got a degree, and...