2355itens encontrados
Rietavo atviras jaunimo centrasTai atvirą darbą su jaunimu dirbanti organizacija. Jauni žmonės nuo 14 iki 29 metų čia gali burtis ir turiningai leisti...
ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers
The Cities of Learning platform offers organisers adding skills and competences from the [European Training Strategy (ET...
How to write a good badge description?
Badge description tells the badge viewer about the specific learning and achievement that this badge represents. When pr...
Verify Organiser’s account
The Organiser’s Account allows you to create and manage **Activities**, **Playlists** and **Badges**. Organisers can be...
Cities of Learning heading to Badge Summit across the pond
Partners from the Cities of Learning Network will be at the [Badge Summit](<https://www.thebadgesummit.com/>) at the Uni...