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iiii-Fest Industry 4.0 & Education 4.0 – Will our World Really Change so Rapidly

Industry 4.0 & Education 4.0

The owner of this badge joined the presentation Industry 4.0 & Education 4.0 - Will our World Really Change so Rapidly during the iiii-Fest festival 2019. The presentation content: Can you imagine a world without television, Internet and smartphone? Less than 40 years ago that was the reality of Industry 2.0 and Education 2.0. We are currently moving into Industry 4.0 and this will have a gigantic impact on all of us. Can you even begin to imagine how our life will look like 20 years into the future? Lets learn from the past, review the present and look into our future – to see how it will impact everbody’s life, work and education.
Task no.1
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