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Day 2 TC "Cartoon Youthwork"

Day 2 TC "Cartoon Youthwork"

During the second day of the course, participants explored the topic of racism and discrimination, got to know the concept of invisible racism and discrimination. In the afternoon participants got to know how to create the plot of the story and practised gift creation
Om deze badge te behalen dien je alle taken te voltooien
Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: 2 activiteitsleden
Find 3 more group members and discuss how was a day for you? What did you like the most? What would you change? Write here the results
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Taak nr.2
Bewijs bevestigd door: 2 activiteitsleden
Upload here your GIF
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Taak nr.3
Bewijs bevestigd door: 2 activiteitsleden
What would be for you key words for racism and discrimination?
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Interesse gebieden

Digital competence
Civic competence


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