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How to boost your Academic Year

Organizational and Priority Skills

This badge shows that the participant gained knowledge and competencies related to organizational methodologies and priority analyses.
Task no.1
Emisă de organizator sau prin scanarea codului QR
to Access the link below and listen carefully the Ted talk about "How your brain’s executive function works—and how to improve it".

Task no.2
Emisă de organizator sau prin scanarea codului QR
Access the link below and listen carefully to the Ted talk about "Creative ways to get kids to thrive in schools".

Task no.3
Emisă de organizator sau prin scanarea codului QR
Access the following document and discover how "The Wheel of life Exercise" can help you to analyze your current situation in the different topics of life.

Task no.4
Emisă de organizator sau prin scanarea codului QR
Access the following document to get to know the SWOT tool. A SWOT analysis identifies strengths and weaknesses within yourself, and outside opportunities and threats. Helps you to figure out the priorities of the day/week/ month and what motivates you the most.


How to boost your Academic Year
Badgecraft găzduiește această platformă și o dezvoltă împreună cu organizații educaționale de top. Programul Uniunii Europene Erasmus+ a acordat cofinanțare pentru construirea primei versiuni a acestei platforme. Contactați
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