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Youth (un)employment: Discussion

Youth (un)employment: Discussion

The owner of this badge

  • took part in the "Youth (un)employment" event that took place on the 15th of June 2022 at 4:30 pm CET. He/ She got some input about the topic from experts and discussed about it with other young poeple from all over Europe.
  • discussed the topic in more detail with young people from all over Europe by using the provided jamboard
  • exchanged ideas on the topics in an intercultural setting

This badge is part of the "Youth (un)employment: Challenge yourself" playlist which belongs to the "Challenge accepted - Europe" project from IJAB and GOEUROPE!/EJBM. This badge is confirmed by international youth workers.
Om deze badge te verdienen dien je 1 taak te voltooien
Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
If you took part in the online meeting: How was the international meeting? Did you take something with you from it?
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Taak nr.2
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
If you use the jamboard to exchange ideas: Do you have any questions to others? Would you like to know how the employment situation is in other countries or what opportinitues young people have there?
Are you looking for someone to practice your job interview?

Let us know how you used the jambaord!
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Youth (un)employment: Discussion
Youth (un)employment: Challenge yourself!
Badgecraft host dit platform en ontwikkelt het samen met toonaangevende educatieve organisaties. Het programma Erasmus+ van de Europese Unie heeft cofinanciering verleend voor de bouw van de eerste versie van dit platform. Neem contact op met support@badgecraft.eu.
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Mede gefinancierd door het Erasmus+ programma van de Europese Unie