For the competence area, you have just self-assessed, you will see different tabs below:
- All Indicators: provides a complete list of indicators for this competence.
- Needs development: gives those indicators that you highlighted for further development
- My strength: offers those indicators that you highlighted as your strength
- My reflection: shows those with the reflection text you added
In the upper right corner, you will see a smaller version of the chart, with the marked level of your competence. Please note: if your self-assessment is in progress, it will only be filled to the level completed.
If you would like to get an overview of all competence areas, you should go back to the main page. On the big chart, you will see levels of those competences that you have completed. Next to each of them is also a line with a percentage, which signifies to which extent you have completed self-assessment in that particular competence area.