The feeling of community is strong in "Social Action", even remotely. Local and international volunteers, youth workers, mentors... The beauty of our community - it is open for everyone (interested in volunteering)! Would you like to join? Easy! Just connect to the ZOOM link on the agreed date! We will play some games and talk to each other! You will meet fellow Lithuanians and young people from different countries (Ukraine, Germany, Sakartvelo...). After attending the event you will gain the badge of intercultural communication in English and team work competences! See you soon!
Badgecraft isännöi tätä alustaa ja kehittää sitä yhdessä johtavien koulutusorganisaatioiden kanssa. Euroopan unionin Erasmus+ -ohjelmasta myönnettiin osarahoitusta tämän foorumin ensimmäisen version rakentamiseen. Ota yhteyttä