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iiii-Fest 2019

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iiii-Fest 2019



Professionals, Entrepeneurs, Scholars, Students and alike, join us @ iiii-Fest 2019 to become one of the Future-Oriented-Persons (FOP’s) which our world so desperately needs. Expect a dazzling array of workshops, seminars, brainstorms, hands-on-labs, contests, exhibitions and more, including our Gala Dinner at this inspiring globally-connected event. Join iiii-Fest 2019 to become empowered!
Information – information exchange, learn-by-doing & more…Information is the essential building block of our future – whether we like it or not. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) is the key to that future. Learn & experience how ICT allows us to create many NEW jobs as well asimprove the quality of our lifes – with the success of smartphones as an example.
Interaction – meet, engage, unite, collaborate, communicate & more…Internet & smart devices allows us to interact in different ways, to broaden our horizon from a mostly local-focus towards global opportunities & challenges. South Africa has a huge potential to become an important player on a global scale. Lets make sure we unlock this great nation and its tremendous power.
Innovation – Internet of Things (IoT) – Internet Commerce & more…Be prepared for the future, prepare yourself for change, alteration, revolution, transformation, metamorphosis, reorganisation, restructuring, rearrangement. Learn & experience what innovation will mean for you & your organisation, be part of the evolutionary and even disruptive forces during iiii-Fest 2019.
Incubation – prepare, produce, perform, …..A great idea, a new strategy, a new product or solution – how to make it come alive? During iiii-Fest 2019 you can learn much more about incubation and also about conception, pre-incubation and after-care. iiii-Fest 2019 will feature examples of everything you need to make your ideas come alive & be successful.
Photo (c) Chad Kirchoff

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iiii-Fest Industry 4.0 & Education 4.0 – Will our World Really Change so Rapidly
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#internet der dingen
Aktividat: 6
Started: 3
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Eastern Cape Region of Learning
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