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Appraiser Peer Support Guidelines

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Appraiser Peer Support Guidelines



The 360° appraisal process supports, besides self-assessment and feedback, the professional development of trainers. One of the critical pillars of this professional development is the peer support trio. Trios (you + 2 other trainer colleagues) will support you through this 360° appraisal process. You can help each other to interpret the data, extract the key insights, be devil’s advocate and plan your further professional development based on the findings.

We will give you some guidelines on how your trio could function, but it is important to know from the start that it should be tailored to you and your trio’s current needs, plans and wishes.

In these guidelines, you will find answers on:
  • How to find your trio
  • What you need to do before meeting with your trio
  • How you could use your trio time
  • What if things do not work out and possible pitfalls

Download Appraiser Peer Support Guidelines in PDF

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How to find your trio support group?
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When finding two other people, we advise that they are not your closest colleagues but, in fact, those that you have not worked with a lot (or at all) until now.

These two other people could be from your organisation, a pool of trainers you belong to, a trainers’ association in your city or country, etc.

Reach out to them and make sure you have an agreement that you are a trio now.

In case you find yourself in an international group of trainers, you could also form your trio based on geographical closeness if you feel that there is a chance that you could actually meet in person.

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How to find your trio support group? Obțineți această insignă

When finding two other people, we advise that they are not your closest colleagues but, in fact, those that you have not worked with a lot (or at all) until now.

These two other people could be from your organisation, a pool of trainers you belong to, a trainers’ association in your city or country, etc.

Reach out to them and make sure you have an agreement that you are a trio now.

In case you find yourself in an international group of trainers, you could also form your trio based on geographical closeness if you feel that there is a chance that you could actually meet in person.
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What do you need to do before meeting your trio?
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#Acknowledging and dealing with unexpected learning moments and outcomes
#Undergoing personal/ professional development through feedback
#Identifying learning objectives and pursuing them pro-actively
#Demonstrates an understanding of learning as a continuous process
#Trains focus on planned learning objectives while remaining open to incorporating unplanned ones
#Explicitly encourages and enables learners to take responsibility for their own learning process
#Understands how learning can be organised in an effective and meaningful way and diverse learning environments, including online
#Motivates and supports the implementation of the learning plan
#Changes learning processes accordingly
#Demonstrates understanding of the importance of values and how to design opportunities for value-based learning in a learning process
#Shows willingness to learn from others, even those who might hold different values and worldviews
#Understands the values and mechanisms of feedback
#Analyses learners’ strengths, weaknesses and learning opportunities
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