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Armenian cultural day and food tasting

Tuesday, June 16, 2020 19:00
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Armenian cultural day and food tasting

Tuesday, June 16, 2020 19:00


Yeah we are finally back to normal life and as promised we will have an Armenian national food cooking and of course tasting 😉 day in Žalianamis.If you like not only to cook, but also to eat, have fun and learn something new about the culture and cuisine of other countries, you are welcome to join the event on June 16 at 19:00The meeting is going to be held in English by Elen and Gayane, our two new volunteers from Armenia.Elen loves Art, cinema, reading and takes care of creative part of all their events. Gayane loves culture, languages, everything related to Tourism and is going to lead a cultural club.

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Yeah we are finally back to normal life and as promised we will have an Armenian national food cooking and of course tasting 😉 day in Žalianamis.If you like not only to cook, but also to eat, have fun and learn something new about the culture and cuisine of other countries, you are welcome to join the event on June 16 at 19:00The meeting is going to be held in English by Elen and Gayane, our two new volunteers from Armenia.Elen loves Art, cinema, reading and takes care of creative part of all their events. Gayane loves culture, languages, everything related to Tourism and is going to lead a cultural club.
Task no.1
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Arte și cultură
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Time to complete: 1oră 30minute


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