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K2Games in Lithuania!

Friday, April 23, 2021 17:00 - 18:00
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K2Games in Lithuania!

Friday, April 23, 2021 17:00 - 18:00


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Jaunimo partneriai Lietuvoje!
Ar stengiatės į savo projektus įtraukti mokymąsi apie aplinkos tvarumą? Taip, taip... Ir mes bandome!... Tvari plėtra, klimato kaitos pavojai ir jų poveikis žmonių sveikatai yra vieni didžiausių dabartinių ir ateinančių dešimtmečių iššūkių. Šiandien jaunimas su šiomis problemomis susiduria labiau nei bet kas kitas ir jiems teks spręsti ankstesnių kartų pasekmes.

Vykdydami „K2Žaidimai“ projektą norime, kad edukaciniai žaidimai būtų prieinami jaunimo darbuotojams, taip pat ir jauniems žmonėms, ir teikiame paramą plėtojant konstruktyvų, iniciatyvų, įgalinantį požiūrį į aplinkosaugos problemas, turinčias įtakos žmonių sveikatai ir bendruomenės gerovei. Manoma, kad žaidimai naudojami neformalioje ir neoficialioje aplinkoje, taip pat palaiko mokytojų darbą oficialioje aplinkoje.

Būtent tam tikslui sukūrėme du stalo žaidimus, penkis modeliavimo žaidimus ir vadovą jaunimo darbuotojams! Daugiau nei 25 žmonės iš keturių šalių jau daugiau nei dvejus metus kuria šiuos žaidimus. Ramsčiai, palaikantys ir vadovaujantys šiam procesui, yra keturios organizacijos partnerės:
  • Rumunijos atsakingo vartojimo draugija, kaip pagrindinis koordinatorius
  • „Insight_epd“ iš Italijos
  • Lietuvoje įsikūrusi Europos aplinkos ir sveikatos jaunimo koalicija
  • CRISP - Konfliktų transformacija ir pilietinis ugdymas iš Vokietijos
Jei esate jaunimo darbuotojas, įkvėptas šios informacijos, šis renginys skirtas jums! Europos aplinkos ir sveikatos jaunimo koalicija kviečia jus į trumpą „K2Žaidimai“ pristatymą, įskaitant atvirą diskusiją apie tai, kaip galėtumėte naudoti „K2Žaidimus“ savo organizacijose ir kartu paversti tvarų švietimą tarptautiniame jaunimo darbe žaismingu ir efektyviu!

  • 16:00 - Įvadinis žodis ir susipažinimas
  • 16:15 - Žaidimų pristatymas
  • 16:35 - Diskusja dėl žaidimų pritaikomumo dirbant su jaunimu
  • 16:50 - Išvados

Registruotis kviečiame čia: https://forms.gle/mFtFaWr6aRTe9Tom7
Galite parsisiųsti žaidimus ir vadovą, paaiškinantį kaip jais naudotis, bet kuriuo metu užsukus į k2games.info svetainę!
*K2 žaidimų projektą koofinansavo Europos Sąjungos programa „Erasmus+“. Žaidimai ir vadovas išleidžiami pagal „Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International“ licenciją.


Dear Youth workers and supporters!
Have you struggled to include learning around environmental sustainability in your projects? So have we... Sustainable development, climate change risks and their impact on human health are among the big challenges of current and next decades. Young people today are facing these problems more than anyone and they will be the ones having to deal with the consequences of past generations.

Through the K2Games project, we want to make educational games accessible for youth workers, and thus for young people, and provide support to develop constructive, proactive, empowering attitudes about environmental issues that impact human health and community welfare. The games are thought to be used in non-formal and informal contexts, as well as support the work of teachers in formal settings.

We have created two Board Games, five Simulation Games and a Guidebook for youth workers for exactly that purpose! More than 25 people from four countries have been working on our games and guidebook for more than two years now. The pillars holding and guiding this process are the four partner organisations:
  • Society for Responsible Consumption from Romania, as the lead coordinator
  • Insight_epd from Italy
  • European Environment and Health Youth Coalition based in Lithuania
  • CRISP - Conflict Transformation and Civic Education from Germany

If you are a youth worker inspired by reading the lines above, this event is for you! European Environment and Health Youth Coalition invites you to a brief presentation of K2Games, including an open discussion on how you could use K2Games in your organisations and make sustainable education in international youth work playful and effective, together!

  • 16:00 - Introduction and getting to know each other
  • 16:15 - Presentation of our games and the concept behind them
  • 16:35 - Discussing ideas on how to use K2Games in your organisations
  • 16:50 - Closing remarks and farewell

Registration to the event is FREE, easy and quick, through the following link: https://forms.gle/mFtFaWr6aRTeTom7
You can download all our games and guidebook at any time from k2games.info!

*The K2Games project and all related publications were co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The games and guidebook are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


  • Download the Games and Guidebook

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K2Žaidimai Lietuvoje! // K2Games in Lithuania! Get this badge

The badge holder has attended a brief presentation of the K2Games project organised by the European Environment and Health Youth Coalition. The presentation included an open discussion on how to use the two board games, five simulation games and the guidebook developed by the K2Games project in youth organisations in Lithuania, making sustainable education in international youth work playful and effective collectively.

The K2Games project aims to make educational games accessible for youth workers, and thus for young people, and provide support to develop constructive, proactive, empowering attitudes about environmental issues that impact human health and community welfare. The games are thought to be used in non-formal and informal contexts, as well as support the work of teachers in formal settings.

All games and guidebook of the K2Games project can be downloaded for free from k2games.info!

*The K2Games project and all related publications were co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The games and guidebook are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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#facilitate creativity in the team
#deliver training
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European Environment and Health Youth Coalition
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