In today’s world, where everyone has an infinite number of tasks and is surrounded by enormous opportunities, it is very important to be able to build the right relationship. Both with myself and with others. To do this, it is important to be able to manage time and focus your attention systematically. The success, efficiency and emotional health of each person depend on it.
In this activity, we will experience how one of the most popular time management methods works - Dwight Eisenhower. To do this, we will use our personal situation and try to look at it more broadly by applying this method.
To do this, use the short information video that can be found in the supplementary material in this activity.
Invite participants to list all their tasks, dividing them by the appropriate parts of the square of the Eisenhower method. Then ask to discuss how one or another task found itself in one or another task quadrant and what conclusions the participants came to about their lifestyle and priorities.
For fun, you can watch a slightly longer video on psychological advice on how to stay systematically focused on priority activities or certain tasks.
For self-assessment and self-reflection, don't forget to pick up the digital badge when answering the questions :)
Take a sheet of paper (or use your notebook on a computer or phone. Draw a square.)
The first column is a square.
It is important and urgent (do it right away).
This section includes all the important tasks that needed to be done a long time ago, but they were still delayed. Prepare for the exams the day before, take care of the fees for which the last day is tomorrow, write an article to be published the next day. Each of us could easily create a list of such jobs. Everyone feels familiar when unfinished business is on fire and all internal and external resources need to be mobilized as much as possible to get them done as quickly as possible. In this exercise, we invite you to think about who in your category falls into this category.
This section records tasks that in a way take time against our will. For example, a friend calls you to share a news item that isn't directly related to you as soon as possible, but you already have three missed calls on your phone, which means it's urgent. Or, alternatively, you work quietly and are suddenly invited to a meeting that discusses topics not directly related to your work. It’s urgent, but it doesn’t matter to your immediate goals. The tasks in this section are always worth critically reviewing and assessing whether they really need to be implemented and, if necessary, done in the most efficient and least resource-intensive way.
Important but not urgent (plan when it will be done).
The third square is important work, but not urgent. Some of these tasks are similar to the first square, but have more time resources. The other part of the tasks is related to strategic planning, visions and ideas for the future, as well as self-assessment processes, for which it is also important to devote sufficient time.
It doesn’t matter and it’s not in a hurry (to do later).
It’s the most beloved part of every human square related to what we call a waste of time - the internet, posting photos, talking on the phone, sharing news with friends, watching series, scrolling, and more. t.
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