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International Conference "New Dimension in Career Guidance"

Thursday, October 7, 2021 10:00 - 16:00
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Sodų g. 14, Vilnius 02100, Lithuania

International Conference "New Dimension in Career Guidance"

Thursday, October 7, 2021 10:00 - 16:00
Sodų g. 14, Vilnius 02100, Lithuania


The theme of the International Conference "New Dimension in Career Guidance" is "Career Education in a World of Change: Experiences and Challenges".

During the conference, experts in youth work and career guidance will share their experience in implementing initiatives and projects that create a positive change in the field of career education in Lithuania and abroad.
The main themes of the presentations:

- What to expect for a young person when entering the labour market?
- How to help a young person to start receiving their first income?
- How do digital tools help a young person in the process of career guidance?
- Why do young people choose to be jobless and what criteria are important when empowering a young person on his/her path to self-realization?
- Mentoring and volunteering contributions for people who are entering the labour market and looking for their profession.

In the second part of the conference there will be an open discussion among the representatives of youth policy in Lithuania, the theme of the discussion: "Criteria for the education of a promising young person".

- 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM I Presentations of speakers
- 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM I Open discussion
- 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM I Coworking

We invite youth workers, youth leaders, representatives of non-governmental organizations, career education specialists and others facing career education in their daily work to participate in the event.
The conference will feature 16 speakers from Lithuania and foreign countries. All the speakers and their themes will be published in late September.

You can find the registration form here: https://forms.office.com/r/DHWb5G0L7D

The event will be held in Lithuanian, English and Russian. Participants will have the opportunity to choose the desired interpretation.

The conference is funded by the ERASMUS+ program, within the framework of the Strategic Partnerships project's subproject "New Dimension in Career Guidance".

Получить бейдж за трек

Participant: "Career Guidance in a World of Change: Experiences and Challenges" Получить бейдж

This certificate confirms that its owner participated in the 5 (five) astronomical hours learning process at the international conference "Career Education in a World of Change: Experiences and Challenges", during which strengthened his/her knowledge in career education, youth work and got to know better Lithuanian and foreign education career practice.

Задание номер 1
Доказательства проверены: од_на организатор_ка мероприятия
Please share your impressions of your participation in the Conference (you are welcome to write in English, Lithuanian, or Russian): what presentations did you listen to and what did you take away from them?


Sodų g. 14, Vilnius 02100, Lithuania


#advise customers
#advise on career
#communicate with youth
#promote youth work in the local community
#show entrepreneurial spirit
Готовность к работе и карьере
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New Dimension in Career Guidance
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