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How international cooperation supports youth work development

Tuesday, February 5, 2019 10:00 - 12:00
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A. Vivulskio g. 11, Vilnius 03610, Lithuania
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How international cooperation supports youth work development

Tuesday, February 5, 2019 10:00 - 12:00
A. Vivulskio g. 11, Vilnius 03610, Lithuania
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What: Seminar / conference "How international cooperation supports youth work development: success stories"When: 12:00 - 14:00 March 5, 2019Where: Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerija / Ministry of Social security and labour, Vivulskio str. 13, 201 aud.
  • To discuss and celebrate the success of International cooperation (on different levels);
  • To create space to share ideas among organizations in Europe as the key step towards innovations in this field;
  • To map out results and impact of Erasmus+, EAA and other funding schemes in the field of youth work;
  • To reflect how Institutions on the national level can make (better) use of innovations initially supported by EU funding
  • Politikos tyrimų ir analizės institutas
  • Lietuvos neformalaus ugdymo asociacija
  • LR Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerija
Cases (will be updated):
  • "Norway - Lithuania: how to make cooperation mutually beneficial" Pål Isdahl Solberg, Medvirkningsagentene
  • “Recognition of youth work and non-formal education with open badges” - case presented by Lithuanian association of non-formal education Nerijus Kriauciunas Laimonas Ragauskas
  • “Active Citizens” badge system - a case of using badge based recognition system, which was “made in Lithuania, but is spreading internationally” - Marius Ulozas
#ParticipationMatters #YouthWorkMatters

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How international cooperation supports youth work development Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

What: Seminar / conference "How international cooperation supports youth work development: success stories"When: 12:00 - 14:00 March 5, 2019Where: Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerija / Ministry of Social security and labour, Vivulskio str. 13, 201 aud.
  • To discuss and celebrate the success of International cooperation (on different levels);
  • To create space to share ideas among organizations in Europe as the key step towards innovations in this field;
  • To map out results and impact of Erasmus+, EAA and other funding schemes in the field of youth work;
  • To reflect how Institutions on the national level can make (better) use of innovations initially supported by EU funding
  • Politikos tyrimų ir analizės institutas
  • Lietuvos neformalaus ugdymo asociacija
  • LR Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerija
Cases (will be updated):
  • "Norway - Lithuania: how to make cooperation mutually beneficial" Pål Isdahl Solberg, Medvirkningsagentene
  • “Recognition of youth work and non-formal education with open badges” - case presented by Lithuanian association of non-formal education Nerijus Kriauciunas Laimonas Ragauskas
  • “Active Citizens” badge system - a case of using badge based recognition system, which was “made in Lithuania, but is spreading internationally” - Marius Ulozas
#ParticipationMatters #YouthWorkMatters
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A. Vivulskio g. 11, Vilnius 03610, Lithuania


#plan youth activities
#cooperate at inter-professional level
#government policy implementation
#communicate on the youth's well-being
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Lithuanian Association of Non-formal Education
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