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While all countries are asleep the MAFIA is getting more active.
Come join us on Friday 6 pm to play MAFIA, help rescue the villagers and find the bad guys. The game is going to take place in ZOOM while we still can't meet in person, but don't worry it is still going to be intense! All the rules will be explained during the session.
The event is going to be held in English by our charming and organised local volunteer Gleb and our creative and game-lover international volunteer Elen.
So free your Friday evening, call your friends and follow the link below to join us and have fun!
Link to ZOOM:https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79473159638?pwd=bkN0Nk9iazNsY041NEtRamtmalk0QT09Meeting ID: 794 7315 9638Password: 016076

Preuzmi značku znanja aktivnosti

MAFIA! Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

While all countries are asleep the MAFIA is getting more active.
Come join us on Friday 6 pm to play MAFIA, help rescue the villagers and find the bad guys. The game is going to take place in ZOOM while we still can't meet in person, but don't worry it is still going to be intense! All the rules will be explained during the session.
The event is going to be held in English by our charming and organised local volunteer Gleb and our creative and game-lover international volunteer Elen.
So free your Friday evening, call your friends and follow the link below to join us and have fun!
Link to ZOOM:https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79473159638?pwd=bkN0Nk9iazNsY041NEtRamtmalk0QT09Meeting ID: 794 7315 9638Password: 016076
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